Uh ... is OneNote 2007 good with sharepoint ... or not ?



Then Microsoft OneNote 2007 was released, sporting a new "shared
notebook" feature. With OneNote, you get the same ease of access and
ease of editing that a wiki provides, but with a much smoother
experience. To mirror the history log functionality of a wiki, you can
store your shared notebook in a versioned SharePoint document

source - http://flimflan.com/blog/MigrateFromFlexWikiToOneNote.aspx

I thought that Sharepoint wrecked the native OneNote Synching and
brought it down to the level of file synching. Anyone ?


Patrick said:
Nope. It works with SharePoint,

Just to be sure I understand, you are saying that ON syncs down to the
container level with sharepoint as it does without it?

Ilya Koulchin

EMRhelp.org said:
Then Microsoft OneNote 2007 was released, sporting a new "shared
notebook" feature. With OneNote, you get the same ease of access and
ease of editing that a wiki provides, but with a much smoother
experience. To mirror the history log functionality of a wiki, you can
store your shared notebook in a versioned SharePoint document

source - http://flimflan.com/blog/MigrateFromFlexWikiToOneNote.aspx

I thought that Sharepoint wrecked the native OneNote Synching and
brought it down to the level of file synching. Anyone ?

That depends on exactly what you mean by "level of file syncing". It is
true that there is no option on SharePoint to update just a part of the
file, so OneNote does need to transfer the entire file any time a change
is made, either on the client or on the server. However, partial access
is only an optimization, and OneNote can still sync just fine without
it, although at a slower rate.

Problems occur when multiple instances of OneNote access the same file
and then some other underlying technology thinks that those files are
the same and tries to resolve the situation without asking OneNote. That
doesn't occur on SharePoint though - there is just one copy of the file
involved, so OneNote is able to detect and merge changes from multiple
users without any problems.



That depends on exactly what you mean by "level of file syncing". It is
true that there is no option on SharePoint to update just a part of the
file, so OneNote does need to transfer the entire file any time a change
is made, either on the client or on the server. However, partial access
is only an optimization, and OneNote can still sync just fine without
it, although at a slower rate.

Problems occur when multiple instances of OneNote access the same file
and then some other underlying technology thinks that those files are
the same and tries to resolve the situation without asking OneNote. That
doesn't occur on SharePoint though - there is just one copy of the file
involved, so OneNote is able to detect and merge changes from multiple
users without any problems.


So the answer is that SharePoint *DOES* wreck OneNote's native file


In Summary,

OneNote's native file synching capability is NOT compatible with
Sharepoint. File-level synchronization is possible still with .one
files and Sharepoint, but larger files will suffer significant
perfomance issues because entire files need to be transferred, not
just the changes.

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