Ultimate Steal -- uni students only?


Gary Fritz

I just heard about the Ultimate Steal deal. The wording on the offer is a
bit vague. In some places they mention universities, in others they say
"any" student with a .edu email.

* Is the offer limited to university students only, or can secondary school
students apply?

* Is the .edu address a requirement? My son's school uses email addresses
with the domain XXXschools.org. MS could certainly easily verify it's a
school address.


garfield-n-odie [MVP]

I don't see anyplace where it says "any" student. The .edu email
address *is* a requirement, which eliminates most if not all primary and
secondary schools and alot of dubious online schools.

Gary Fritz

garfield-n-odie said:
I don't see anyplace where it says "any" student.

Hm, I guess it doesn't actually say the word "any." But it does say "The
following conditions serve to define student eligibility for the Promotion:
1. Individual must possess a valid e-mail address at a U.S. educational
institution" ... nothing about a university.
The .edu email address *is* a requirement, which eliminates most
if not all primary and secondary schools

OK. That kills it for us. Thanks for the clarification.

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