On Monday, September 22, 2008 10:07 PM Bob Buckland ?:-\) wrote:
There was a top level requirement on
that you did not mention that could be rather important as far as qualifying
"All eligible university students are entitled to make a purchase from the promotion site as described further below."
For what Microsoft is considering a 'university' in this context might require a phone call or two <g>.
Also worth noting is that there are are also special prices on
Windows Vista Ultimate upgrades in the same qualification link.
Interesting that up to four licenses for each product can be purchased if one meets the qualifications. Hmmm, that barbecuing class
is 0.5 credits.

trudey --
good news for you
while the ultimate steal eligibility emhasizes 2 conditions
1. that you have an email address ending in .edu
2. OR that you have an email address at a school that is on their list
after hovering over the "Am I Eligible" subhead, you get the first 2
conditions, but if you click on the link for the "Full Terms and Conditions
you will discover that there is third way to qualify
""" OR
Submission of school enrollment: Submit verifiable school enrollment via the
validation process[LINK provided there]; AND
2. Individual must be a student at a U.S. educational institution and must
be actively enrolled in at least 0.5 course credit and be able to provide
proof of enrollment upon request. """
so just use these two LINKS and you'll be fine:
it's too much of great deal to not read ALL the fine print.
good luck
btw, you can start your own search for this stuff on the ultimate2007 home
//onnn! >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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