The Alpine Haddock
Microsoft Word has in the Tools -> Options dialogue box an annoying little
checkbox to disable features introduced after Word 6.0/95 or Word 97. I do
not wish this to be checked. Easy enough, you think?
No matter how many times I uncheck this box (including ensuring that it is
also unchecked in Normal.dot) it keeps rechecking itself and then not letting
me (eg) align text within a table, or save hyperlinks. And if it's in a
document that already has these features, it waits until I exit and then says
that some things won't be saved because they're not compatible with Word 6!
When I turn it off it goes away for the immediate session of Word, possibly
for the next one but then comes back. I am going slowly insane.
Does anybody know of a way of completely and irrevocably turning this option
checkbox to disable features introduced after Word 6.0/95 or Word 97. I do
not wish this to be checked. Easy enough, you think?
No matter how many times I uncheck this box (including ensuring that it is
also unchecked in Normal.dot) it keeps rechecking itself and then not letting
me (eg) align text within a table, or save hyperlinks. And if it's in a
document that already has these features, it waits until I exit and then says
that some things won't be saved because they're not compatible with Word 6!
When I turn it off it goes away for the immediate session of Word, possibly
for the next one but then comes back. I am going slowly insane.
Does anybody know of a way of completely and irrevocably turning this option