Un-tripping security settings in Word



I've just added a new sub-procedure to our word template (we use large
macros extensively), but I can't get the macro to enable. It's a macro
I wrote from scratch and added to the toolbar. The security settings
disable the macro even though my security is set to low and I have
trust all add-ins and templates selected, and trust access to VB
project selected. I've tried re-starting a couple of times and nothing
is working. I went to microsoft.com and couldn't find any information
other than "set your security lower".

I've had this happen before, and it's really hampering our abilities to
write macros.

Has anyone else run into this? Any help would be most appreciated.

Charles Kenyon

This does not sound like macro security. BTW you should never have macro
security set to low. (The exception would be a development computer that
does not have network or internet connection.)

When you say you can't get the macro to enable, what, exactly, do you mean?
How do you know it is not enabled?

Does the macro take any arguments (even optional arguments)? If so, it won't
show up in the macro list in Word.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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I would love to set the security higher, but I have to set it to low,
or the macros we wrote don't work. What happens is we get a message
that says, "This macro has been disabled for security reasons." By
enabled I mean not disabled for security reasons, and when you click on
the toolbar button the macro runs instead of giving me the security

I've inherited these macros so I don't know if there are any
certificates or signatures floating around or what.

That's interesting about taking arguments. What do you mean by taking
arguments? Is that where you pass a variable into another

Charles Kenyon

If you set it to medium, you get the message "This project has macros, do
you want to enable them" or something like that. You get a choice. You want
this set, even though it may be annoying. Setting on low is like putting a
sign on your front door telling burglars you are going on vacation for a

Taking arguments means that a variable can be passed to it from another
procedure. Such arguments can be optional, but will still keep the macro
from running directly from the interface.

So, with macro security set to low, you are getting "This macro has been
disabled for security reasons?"

I'm not denying your experience but this really surprises me. Again, how do
you know that a particular macro is not enabled? Please give exactly what
you do, what happens, and what you want to happen instead.

Note, I have experienced a message that says something like:
The macro could not be run because it cannot be found or because your macro
security settings disabled it.

In that case, I found that I had renamed the macro without reassigning it on
the toolbar.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Hansardian,
I've just added a new sub-procedure to our word template (we use large
macros extensively), but I can't get the macro to enable. It's a macro
I wrote from scratch and added to the toolbar. The security settings
disable the macro even though my security is set to low and I have
trust all add-ins and templates selected, and trust access to VB
project selected. I've tried re-starting a couple of times and nothing
is working. I went to microsoft.com and couldn't find any information
other than "set your security lower".
If I understand you correctly, you're only seeing the message when you
click the toolbar button to run the macro? Is that the ENTIRE message
you're getting, or is there more?

It sounds to me a bit like the message one gets if the code has been
renamed or moved to another module, or the module renamed. The toolbar
button can't find it anymore.

If you recreate the toolbar button from Tools/Customize/Commands does the
macro now work? Can you run the macro from Tools/Macro/Macros?
What happens is we get a message
that says, "This macro has been disabled for security reasons." By
enabled I mean not disabled for security reasons, and when you click on
the toolbar button the macro runs instead of giving me the security

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

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reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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