Unable Install OneNote SP2 update



Thats all the failure dialog box says, repeatedly. I tried several times
since auto update keeps bugging me to do it. Is there no way to shut it up on

All of the other OSP2 updates went OK.

Downloaded the full install file KB887619 - no go with that too - same

System is plain vanilla Dell Inspiron laptop with XP Pro SP2. OneNoteSP1.


This is how I fixed my machine that had the same problems as you describe
and is listed in the posting below yours:

One poster said that it was due to a corrupt registry. I use a couple of
programs to keep my registry clean and I presume one of them messed it up.

Rather than run the risk of further messing up my Windows Registry, I
de-installed the program, re-installed the program to enter a new 'correct'
registry and then did the updates.

In case you're worried about loosing your data, mine was kept intact even
after I de-installed the program and them was recognized instantly when I
did the new install/upgrade.

- Larry


Even though I didn't get a specific error code the un/reinstall worked. Thanks.

Shame that OneNote does not have the Office type "repair option" for these
kinds of circumstance, in addition to some user friendly error messages. Even
error code=0xYYY is better than "update failed" (subtext:But we're not
telling why).
And BTW no OHotfix##### log either!

Guess the product is really short on resources or has other priorities.
Hope the next version has more attention to detail.

Thanks again for being the guinea pig on the un/reinstall.

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