Unable to access documents, risks, and issues features in PWA


Sandy Wood

I just moved my Project DB to another SQL server as well as the corresponding
WSS databases. I can access my enterprise projects fine and can, separately,
access the WSS sites for each enterprise projects. I cannot, however, connect
to the View and Upload Documents page from within Project 2003. I receive an
error that there is a problem establishing a connection with the Web server
running Windows SharePoint Services.

Stephen Hutchinson

I was having a similar issue. I have a single server running WSS and Project
Server. I have been able to correct and re-create the problem with the
following configuration changes. When other users have reported correcting
the problem with a re-install... I imagine the installer sets the
configuration file correctly. The steps are listed below:

If your Project server is linked correctly to WSS you should not be able to
access Microsoft Update Services. To get Windows Update Service Working:
proxcfg -d

To get ProjectServer linked back to WSS enter the following (Since my WSS
server and ProjectServer are on the same host I am using that host name as
the proxy server)
proxycfg -d -p "YourProxyServer" ";ServerName;IPAddress; FQDN"

You can run both of these commands without requiring a restart of the
applications or OS.

Stephen Hutchinson

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