Unable to access Office Apps



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)


I'm a Mac newbie attempting to assist my daughter. I've installed Office 2008 for the Mac as the administrator.

My daughter logs in and upon clicking on the Word icon, a question mark appears over the icon and the application does not open. The same happens for Powerpoint and Excel.

I know someone has seen this before. Any suggestions?


Daiya Mitchell

Random guess--you removed Office 2004, but the 2004 icons are still in
the Dock, and those are the ones you are trying to use. Find the actual
applications in the harddrive/Applications folder, and see if they open
from there.



You're right on. The links were there from the evaluation copy that shipped with the laptop and were no longer valid links.

The issue has been resolved! Apparently, and I should have realized this, the question mark signifies the link to the application is broken. To fix the links:
1. remove the Office application icons from the dock. ie. Word, Powerpoint, Excel
2. open up the Macintosh HD;
3. open the applications folder;
4. open Word for Windows; * a new application icon appears in the dock
5. while holding down "control" key;
6. select the newly added Word icon in the dock;
7. click on the menu option - "keep in dock"
8. perform steps 4 thru 7 for the other Office apps.


Daiya Mitchell

Glad you sorted it, I'm sure your detailed confirmation will help
someone in the future.

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