Unable to access "permissions" page




I'm having all sorts of problems with my website right now. The biggest
problem I'm experiencing is when I try to view my web page
(www.takedownsf.com), a authentication required login box appears. The error
number that was given to me is http 401.2.

I have no idea what the error message or the help document is saying but I'm
guessing the problem is how my permissions are set? So now I'm trying to
access my permissions or my administrative home under "tools" in FrontPage
but it won't let me. Whenever I click on either one, an error message saying
"a world wide web browser, such as microsoft internet explorer, is required
to use this feature." My internet is working fine so... I'm all confused.

Can anybody please help me or give me a push in the right direction to
solving this?

Thanks so much,

Andrew Murray

This might be best answered by your web host. It doesn't appear to be a
Frontpage issue.

The error is: "HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to
server configuration.Internet Information Services (IIS)"

Give your host support the above error message. It has to do with the fact
that the permissions are not set or a server configuration setting is

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