unable to access PWA 2007 beta2 TR




when I try to connect to my PWA page, I get the following message: "At least Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 is needed to use Project Web Access"

I am using Internet Explorer 7, so ....I do not know what the reason could be for this message.

Before I installed the beta 2 TR version, everything was fine. No problem to access the PWA with beta2 version.

If someone knows, he will be greatful.




Did you tried accessing PWA with IE6?

Remark that this is still a beta, and there might me some problems with IE7.



Actually, we first tried with IE6. And it didn't work.

The strange thing is that it was ok with beta2. Once we tried with beta TR
it didn't work.
On other PC's it is alright!



Not me, I'm still searching for a solution! :eek:(

.....and if anyone is interested, the problem exists om the RTM version of
Project Server as well - not only the Beta TR!

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


I usually ignore the me-too posts in these threads, because it's not a smart
assumption that having the same "symptom" indicates that you have same
"problem." As such, with everyone piling on to the thread, it becomes
annoying, if not impossible, to sort this out.

If you want help, post a description of your setup and its history in your
own thread. Otherwise, have fun complaining!

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


This "issue" is as old as project server. It can be caused by all sorts of
reasons. Without specific background on each case, it's impossible to offer
guidance. Further, there's no way to establish a pattern without reliable
steps to reproduce it. Let's put it this way, it's like pressing an elevator
button that's already selected; it feels good, but doesn't add any value.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Out of line? That's a laugh. It's not like anyone is paying me to do this!
Ah, but it got you past the me-too state didn't it? Given that you finally
gave us some detail, I can suggest that your browser add-ins may be the
cause. I know nothing about Avantbrowser, but the Yahoo add-in has not been
tied to such problems in 2003, although that doesn't mean that it's not a
problem for 2007. The Google toolbar certainly caused lots of frustration
for 2003 users.

Because you can logon using other systems, it certainly points to a problem
specific to your laptop. Have you tried adding Avantbrowser to one of the
machines where you *can* currently logon? Did it cause the problem to occur?
Have you tried deleting your browser cache? The other possibility is a
corrupt user profile. To test this theory, try logging into your laptop with
another logon account that has access to Project Server.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Thanks for sharing the solution. I'll get this one up on our
projectserverexperts.com site as soon as I get around to posting the 2007

For anyone else following this thread: Please don't "assume" that because
your symptoms "seem" similar, that the root cause is the same. You cheat
yourself out of a speedy solution when you do this. When confronted with
numerous posts, I know I'll always answer the ones that spell things out


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting: http://www.msprojectexperts.com
For Project Server FAQS: http://www.projectserverexperts.com
For Project Server Books: http://www.projectserverbooks.com
For Project Server Training: http://www.projectservertraining.com
For Project FAQS: http://www.mvps.org/project


Thanks YonZo for your persistence with this despite Gary's sensitivity. I too
found the AvantBrowser entry to be the problem. SO I suppose I'm a "Me to"
but in reverse ...

Now, just how you found it would be interesting to know. I'd also like to
know just how the heck this entry was on my machine. To my recollection I
cannot recall installing this. Perhaps it was installed by some other app as
a dependent component. AvantBrowser was not in the list of components or
programs that could be uninstalled.

I'm a happy chappy too now ...


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


I think the chain of events is self evident. Yonzo finally gave us some
detail that revealed the browser add-ins and I suggested that this was the
likely cause. At that point, all that was necessary was to remove the add-in
to determine whether it was, in fact, the root cause.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting: http://www.msprojectexperts.com
For Project Server FAQS: http://www.projectserverexperts.com
For Project Server Books: http://www.projectserverbooks.com
For Project Server Training: http://www.projectservertraining.com
For Project FAQS: http://www.mvps.org/project

Ray Chiu (a1ahardware.florida at gmail)

I have had problems with the Avant Browser. As much as I love the tabbed
browsers, I have discovered that its is preferable to use IE6. I have
combed through the threads for IE7 comments and there were a few comments
that prevent me from moving from IE6 to IE7.

I post here frequently and I try to be specific about what I am trying to
solve. In fact, I am frustrated that I can not post screenshots. I think
that if we were able to do so, this would really help. Diagnosing remotely
is difficult and without info, it is virtually impossible.

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