Unable to apply MS03-037 to the administrative installation point


Saqib Ali

Hello All,

We are trying to apply the XP Administrative of patch MS03-037 to XP
Administrative Installation Point, but are unable to. We d/l the patch from
http://www.microsoft.com/office/ork/xp/journ/oxp1001a.htm and following the
exact instruction.

The update runs successfully using the :

msiexec /a q:\path\to\xp.msi /p patch.msi SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE

And we also see the new vbe6.dll file on the Administrative Installation

But when we try to install the MSI package using "REINSTALL=ALL
REINSTALLMODE=vomus" msiexec switch, we get the Office XP installation but
NOT the updated vbe6.dll.

Note: The Administrative patch for Visio 2k2 pro/std works just fine. We are
just having issues with XP.

Anyone else experiencing the same issue? Any ideas on how to fix this

Saqib Ali

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