unable to change the format of time shown in mail merge


Kim B.

I have an excel data table that contains various information for travel that
I have planned for other individuals. In excel any fields I have shown with
time are shown for example as 1:15 PM but when this data gets merged into my
word document is shows as 1:15:00 PM. How can I eliminate the seconds?


Hi Kim,

You can do this by adding a picture switch to your mergefield.

To do this:
.. select the mergefield and press Shift-F9 to expose the field coding. It
should look something like
where 'MyTime' is your mergefield's name.
.. delete anything currently appearing after your mergefield's name and add
'\@ "h:m am/pm"', so that your field looks like:
{MERGEFIELD MyTime \@ "h:m am/pm"}.
.. if you want the hours and minutes to display leading 0s, change 'h:m' to
.. press F9 to update the field.
.. run your mailmerge.


Kim B.

Thank you so much. That was very helpful.

macropod said:
Hi Kim,

You can do this by adding a picture switch to your mergefield.

To do this:
.. select the mergefield and press Shift-F9 to expose the field coding. It
should look something like
where 'MyTime' is your mergefield's name.
.. delete anything currently appearing after your mergefield's name and add
'\@ "h:m am/pm"', so that your field looks like:
{MERGEFIELD MyTime \@ "h:m am/pm"}.
.. if you want the hours and minutes to display leading 0s, change 'h:m' to
.. press F9 to update the field.
.. run your mailmerge.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Kim B. said:
I have an excel data table that contains various information for travel that
I have planned for other individuals. In excel any fields I have shown with
time are shown for example as 1:15 PM but when this data gets merged into my
word document is shows as 1:15:00 PM. How can I eliminate the seconds?

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