Unable to Check-in Resource in MS Project Server 2007


K Nieland, PMP

In MS Project Server 2007 (PWA) Resource Center, I have numerous Enterprise
Resources that I am unable to edit due the record being shown in the “Checked
Out†column as “Yesâ€

I have attempted to complete a forced check-in under: Server Settings /
Force Check-in Enterprise Objects / Enterprise Resources, however none of the
Resources are displayed as checked out.

I returned to the Resource Center and checked out a resource that the
“Checked Out†column displayed “Noâ€. I was able to check out the resource
and the resource record opened without issue.

I returned to: Server Settings / Force Check-in Enterprise Objects /
Enterprise Resources and the resource I had just checked out was shown as
checked out. I forced the check-in without any issues.

I have checked the Queue and no jobs are in progress or pending. I have
also restarted the server and the resources still display as “Checked Outâ€


1. Is there another method available to force check-in the resource?

2. Is there a way to determine what users has the resource checked out,
other the force check-in page?

3. Am I missing something?


Hello all,

I'm also encountering the same problem with K Nieland - as is. I hope we can
find a solution for this. Thanks



I came across this which might help. Check the msp_resources table and check
the res_checkedoutby column. If it has "0000-00000-0000...." in it, delete
it and see if it solves the problem

K Nieland, PMP

Good Job Ben!!! We found the same solution last night and it resolved the
issue.... Great minds etc......

malik Al-Shayeb

Dear Ben
I have encountered the same problem and i have 2 questions
1- Which Data Base should i look for the table in
2- is the problem will ever com back ?
Thank u allot in advance

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