Despite assurance from my web host that their Frontpage extensions services
are working correctly, I cannot seem to connect/publish to a remote server
using the 'Frontpage or sharepoint services' option within the Remote
webserver setup. Providing the correct remote website location simply returns
the error message:"The webserver at <domain> does not appear to have Windows
Sharepoint services installed'. I have been able to publish to an ftp site/
local file system with no problems. Any advice would be appreciated!
Many thanks
Despite assurance from my web host that their Frontpage extensions services
are working correctly, I cannot seem to connect/publish to a remote server
using the 'Frontpage or sharepoint services' option within the Remote
webserver setup. Providing the correct remote website location simply returns
the error message:"The webserver at <domain> does not appear to have Windows
Sharepoint services installed'. I have been able to publish to an ftp site/
local file system with no problems. Any advice would be appreciated!
Many thanks