Unable to connect


B. Thompson

I had to change the port from 25 to 587 with aol so I can connect with
bellsouth.net. Now I get this error message:
Unable to connect to server (account: 'mail.bellsouth.net', SMTP Server:
'mail.bellsouth.net', Error Number: 0x800ccc0e).

Bellsouth says it's an Aol problem and Aol says it's a Bellsouth problem.
So right now it's only my problem and I really need it fixed!!

neo [mvp outlook]

Couple of things to check...

1) Make sure you do not have any security products installed (e.g.
antivirus, antispam, .etc) that scan outbound email.

2) Does BellSouth require any additional settings to connect on the message
submission port of 587. For example, do they have instructions that state
that the mail client must authenticate before sending a message? Does this
authentication have to happen over SSL? (Outlook 2003 has issues with
non-standard ports like 587 with SSL and will require you to apply SP2 for
Office 2003 to correct.)


Go under the Exchange Server properties and under the advanced tab, check
Logon network security. Try changing it to none.

For port 587 to be used as a SMTP submission port, the mail server software
has to able to support it, and be turned on. As a client you need to have the
proper authentication settings (Username and Password)

B. Thompson

I can't find the Exchange Server properties! I have been able to use outlook
with aol for the past 6 monts just fine. It's just the past 3 weeks that it
has messed up.

B. Thompson

First of all, I'm computer literate but not too sure of your answers. I have
to work with Outlook 98 since the main reason I'm using it is for the "net
folders". So, I'm thinking that the answers I'm getting for this only work
with a more updated version. I do have anti virus working but I've only had
this problem for the past 3 weeks, before then my outlook worked just fine.
Bellsouth says that there are no other numbers to give out but 25 and 110.
Aol insists that there are other port #'s for them to give me. I'm chasing
my tail.

neo [mvp outlook]

Don't worry and since I believe you that their is communication breakdown.

1) Are you connecting to AOL or BellSouth?

2) If BellSouth is stating that the only ports they offer to send/receive
email is ports 25 (SMTP) and 110 (POP3), then you have to believe them. You
could call BellSouth support and complain that you are connecting to AOL and
they (AOL) are blocking port 25 and you are looking for an alternate port so
you can continue using them when not connecting to their network. But you
must understand that it is their right to say no and that you should connect
to them in order to process your BellSouth email account(s).

3) If you need to continue connecting to AOL and need to process your
BellSouth account, will AOL allow you to use your BellSouth email address
and send email thru AOL's SMTP server? To get this answer, you would have
to contact AOL's support.

Is this better?

B. Thompson

1. I an connection with AOL
2. I had an online chat with Bellsouth today and they very clearly stated
that the only numbers they give out is 25/110. I would use them instead of
Aol but I'm out of their area and the only reason I even need them is to
share net folders with the original bellsouth account holder.
3. I also had an online chat with Aol today where they told me that they no
longer support the 3rd party whosawhatsa with 25, I have to change to 587 and
bellsouth should provide me with alternate numbers.
You are very helpful. I hope I'm giving out the right info so I can get
this resolved.

neo [mvp outlook]

Ah... well, try changing your Bellsouth's SMTP server settings to use the
AOL smtp server on port 587. The most AOL can do is reject the message
because your email address will be a @bellsouth.net address rather than

Outside of that, you are in a rock and hard place situation because there is
nothing that can be done client side to remedy what ISPs do to limit home
machines from getting involved in spreading spam and such.

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