unable to Copy hyperLINK to NoteBook to Desktop



I'd like to link to a NoteBook from the Desktop.
I'd be nice to have 1 click access to certain notebooks, especially if
OneNote isn't open.

I right clicked on a notebook .. selected .. Copy HyperLink to this
I then tried to paste it to the desktop but .. the Paste option wasn't
allowed (I think it should be).


I pasted the hyperlink to a .one page, right clicked, selected edit
hyperlink .. and found the link.

For me it was ..
(where W: is a shared network drive).

I then right clicked on the desktop, selected, New .. Shortcut,

For the Location of the shortcut I used:
I add some Text for the Shortcut name, and it worked !


Rainald Taesler

EMRhelp.org shared these words of wisdom:
I'd like to link to a NoteBook from the Desktop.
I'd be nice to have 1 click access to certain notebooks, especially
if OneNote isn't open.

Well done!

You did it exactly the right way.
So the shortcut on the desktop will open the notebook if necessary
(normally one leaves one notebooks open and closes only ones only used
on rare occassions). And it will then open the page the link is
pointing too.


Rainald Taesler

Rainald Taesler shared these words of wisdom:
Well done!

You did it exactly the right way.
So the shortcut on the desktop will open the notebook if necessary
(normally one leaves one notebooks open and closes only ones only
used on rare occassions). And it will then open the page the link is
pointing too.

Seems that I was (a) to quick and (b) I had not read the recipe
careful enough.
I'm awfully sorry.

Could it be that this report was on doing things in ON 2003 ????
Sorry, can not check things there, only used it for a couple of days.

Under ON 2007 the way to go would be:
1.) From the right-mouse menu select "Copy Hyperlink to this page" (or
Hyperlink for this Notebook" if one wants a link for the notebook).
2.) On the Desktop from the right-mouse menu select "New | Shortcut"
(sorry, could be "Link" [my Win speaks German]).
3.) In the Dialog for the new link Paste the hyperlink (Shift+Ins /
4.) On the next page Enter a proper name for the shortcut.

That's all.


Rainald Taesler

1viking1 shared these words of wisdom:
There is a much easier way to do this.

Does this refer to ON 2003 ???
Assuming you only want a link to the notebook or the section (and
not a page within the section), then, open windows explorer. Right
click on the file (section) and point to "create shortcut". For
the notebook, go one directory above the notebook, right click on
it (you are right clicking on a folder), and the select "create

Under 2007 this IMO would not be a favorable way of doing things. And
it does only partly work the way shown here.

a) A Link to a section file only is of use if one just wants to open a
a section (and I do not see any reason for just opening a section
separately and not the notebook).
And if the notebook this section belongs to is not yet open, a dialog
box comes up asking whether one wants to open the notebook or the
section. If the notebook is not already open, selecting the latter
place the section under "Opened sections". And this can not be closed
with a right click, closing needs to go through the File-menu.
And: One has to navigate to the place one wants to go to.

Not too comfortble IMO.

When using a hyperlink to a page in ON (right mouse menu) and pasting
this into a destination field in the shortcut creation dialog, one can
jump directly to a specific point in a notebook.
The notebook wil be opened if necessary (if it's not open). And the
linked page wil be opened.

b) The recipe explained here does not work if a link is created for
*folder*. Such link will just open the folder in the explorer.
What would work, however, would be creating a link for the
"onetoc2"-file in the folder.



For the record, (Rainald), :)
I was referring to OneNote 2007.

OneNote 2007 = a great little app.
OneNote 2003 = (let's not go there)(again).

Rainald Taesler

EMRhelp.org shared these words of wisdom:
For the record, (Rainald), :)
I was referring to OneNote 2007.

OneNote 2007 = a great little app.
OneNote 2003 = (let's not go there)(again).


On re-read of your posting I stumbled over several details and was not
sure that you really found the easy way.

You may meanwhile have seen my recipe.



Jonathan said:
Check out this entry in David Rasmussen's blog about OneNote:

"Keyboard Shortcuts for Fast Access to Favorite OneNote Pages"

...as it has a good plan and instructions for doing this. He also offers a
good description of using this to support his work management in OneNote. See
the adjoining entry (both written in June, 2006).

Good Tip.

Here is David Rasmussen's blog post.


Keyboard shortcuts for fast access to favorite OneNote pages
If you're like me you probably have a few OneNote pages or sections
that you use frequently. For example, a to do list, daily log, team
notebook homepage, or project status page.

I like to have instant access to those things with a simple keyboard
shortcut, whether OneNote is currently open or not. It really improves
my workflow. I do that by creating windows shortcuts directly to those
pages as follows:

In OneNote right click on the page tab, or section tab that you want
the shortcut to go to.
Choose "Copy Hyperlink to Page" or "Copy Hyperlink to Section"
Go to your windows desktop (Win-D will take you straight there) and
right click on the desktop. Choose "New" -> "Shortcut".
In the location box, press Ctrl-V to paste the OneNote hyperlink.
Click next. Then give the shortcut a name. For example "ToDo List".
Click Finish. You now have a shortcut on the desktop. You can move it
anywhere you want, like mydocs.
Now right click on the shortcut icon and choose "Properties"
You will see a "shortcut key" textbox. Click in there, and then press
the key combination you want for the direct keyboard shortcut. For
example: Ctrl-Alt-T is what I use for my to do list. The shortcut key
needs to be Ctrl-Alt-, Ctrl-Shift-, or Alt-Shift-. Try to avoid any
known keybaord shortcuts you might use in apps.
Voila. You now have a direct keyboard shortcut to that page or section
in OneNote. Close OneNote and try it out. Just press the keyboard
combination and OneNote should open up to that page, no matter what app
you're in. It's even useful while you're actually in OneNote but on
another page.


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