unable to create an mde file.



I am getting the message: microsoft access was unable to
create an mde file. when trying to convert my front end
to an MDE file...any suggestions?


I probably should have been a little more specific. There
is less than 30 forms in the file. it's about 1.5 MB and
its linked to another mdb file that holds all of the
tables. That file contains about 10 tables, and is about
4MB. I've read that it could be the VB code preventing
this, or that the linked file needs to be in MDE as well.

Douglas J. Steele

The linked file doesn't need to be an MDE. In fact, since MDEs really only
make a difference to VBA code, there's no point in having the backend
database as an MDE.

First thing to do is compile your application. With any code module open,
open the Debug menu and select the Compile option. That should show up the
error(s) that are preventing it from being converted to an MDE. Keep doing
this until no errors show up. If you still can't create an MDE after that.
post back here.


Yup...that fixed it!

There was some code in there that it didn't like. Now
resolved. Thank you Doug!

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