Unable to Delete a Calendar in the Enterprise Resource Pool




Using: Project Server 2002

I am have trouble deleting an extra calendar in the Enterprise resource
pool. There are 2 calendars in the pool, Standard and Standard1. In the
organizer view, "Standard1" only shows up if I check out a resource. If I
open the Ent Resource Pool empty - say to add a new resource - the only
calendar that shows up is "Standard"

When ever I open a resource to edit details for the resource, the base
calendar is set to "standard1", so I switch it to back to standard & save.
The next time I open a resource in the ERP, the base calendar for that
resource is set back to "Standard1"

What I've Tried:

I first make sure that no task, resource or the Ent Resource Pool has any
dependance on the "Standard1" base calendar. Then I use the Organizer to
select "Standard1" in the checked out Enterprise Resources Project. I get a
prompt asking if I want to delete the calendar, which I answer yes to, but
the Standard1 calendar is still there.

I fear the ERP is corrupt, in which case what are my options?

This also leads to a problem I've seen mentioned, but no solution has been
posted, which is projects now have multiple calendars ( non enterprise base


I'm also getting an Error:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key
row in object 'MSP_CALENDARS' with unique index 'I_MSP_CALENDARS'.


Hi there, this is probably service pack 1 related. Ensure that Service Pack
1 is installed on each client, by going to Help > About on every client with
Microsoft Project. Also ensure that it is installed on the server itself.

jkrall said:
I'm also getting an Error:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key
row in object 'MSP_CALENDARS' with unique index 'I_MSP_CALENDARS'.

jkrall said:

Using: Project Server 2002

I am have trouble deleting an extra calendar in the Enterprise resource
pool. There are 2 calendars in the pool, Standard and Standard1. In the
organizer view, "Standard1" only shows up if I check out a resource. If I
open the Ent Resource Pool empty - say to add a new resource - the only
calendar that shows up is "Standard"

When ever I open a resource to edit details for the resource, the base
calendar is set to "standard1", so I switch it to back to standard & save.
The next time I open a resource in the ERP, the base calendar for that
resource is set back to "Standard1"

What I've Tried:

I first make sure that no task, resource or the Ent Resource Pool has any
dependance on the "Standard1" base calendar. Then I use the Organizer to
select "Standard1" in the checked out Enterprise Resources Project. I get a
prompt asking if I want to delete the calendar, which I answer yes to, but
the Standard1 calendar is still there.

I fear the ERP is corrupt, in which case what are my options?

This also leads to a problem I've seen mentioned, but no solution has been
posted, which is projects now have multiple calendars ( non enterprise base

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