Unable to Edit SubForm


Robert Robichaud

I have a subform but I cannot change any of the Quantity values. For this
field, Enabled is set to Yes, Locked is set to No.

Any suggestions of where I should be looking?

John Vinson

I have a subform but I cannot change any of the Quantity values. For this
field, Enabled is set to Yes, Locked is set to No.

Any suggestions of where I should be looking?

Check the subform's Recordsource Query - it may not be updateable.

Open the form in design view; view its Properties; on the Data tab
select the Record Source (first row). Click the ... icon by it, to
open a query design grid. Select the datasheet tool at the left end of
the toolbar.

Does the query have a *> new record row?

If not, check the online help for "Updateable" and/or post the SQL of
the query to a message here.


After checking John's suggestions, and if the problem isn't found try
opening the subform in design view. Before selecting/clicking anything on
the form select the view/properties from the main menu. Select the data tab
and make sure allow edits is set to Yes.


I'm having the same problem: my forms won't let me update.
Edits is set to yes but the query does not have a *> new
recor row. When I checked updateabl;e in the online help,
I found nothing.

-----Original Message-----
After checking John's suggestions, and if the problem isn't found try
opening the subform in design view. Before selecting/clicking anything on
the form select the view/properties from the main menu. Select the data tab
and make sure allow edits is set to Yes.
Quantity values. For
Check the subform's Recordsource Query - it may not be updateable.

Open the form in design view; view its Properties; on the Data tab
select the Record Source (first row). Click the ... icon by it, to
open a query design grid. Select the datasheet tool at the left end of
the toolbar.

Does the query have a *> new record row?

If not, check the online help for "Updateable" and/or post the SQL of
the query to a message here.


John Vinson

I'm having the same problem: my forms won't let me update.
Edits is set to yes but the query does not have a *> new
recor row. When I checked updateabl;e in the online help,
I found nothing.

Please post the SQL view of the query. Two common problems:

- A Query joining two or more tables must have a unique Index, such as
a Primary Key, on the joining field in the "one" side table, and that
field must be included in the query along with the field that it's
linked to.
- No Totals query, or any query containing any Sum, Count, etc.
expressions, is ever updateable.

Robert Robichaud

I'm actually referencing a Stored Procedure (as follows). I pass the
ComputerID via InputParameter.

Alter procedure spqryListProductsForDragDropTable

@ComputerID as varchar(8) = null


SELECT Quantity, ShowLine

FROM [DragDropTable Products]

WHERE (((Selected)=0x1) AND ComputerID = @ComputerID)

ORDER BY Category, ItemID

When I click on the icon, the above SQL appears. I suspect that the SP is
the culprit.

John Vinson

I'm actually referencing a Stored Procedure (as follows).

So is the data in SQL/Server rather than in Access? Since native JET
(at least up through 2002) doesn't have stored procedures, I've never
used one as a recordsource for a form, and don't know what to suggest!

Robert Robichaud


Yes I'm using SQL/Server. Thank you anyway. I'll keep looking.

Anyone else with some suggestions?

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