Unable to install Microsoft Project Server 2007


Kyle Doolittle

I am attempting to install Microsoft Project Server 2007 on a Small Business
Server machine. I have already successfully installed Sharepoint 3.0 services
and the Microsoft .NET 3.0 Framework.

The problem occurs when I click the "Install Now" button after selected my
desired installation location. The installation wizard simply stops and tells
me that "Microsoft Project Server 2007 has encounted an error during setup."

This is a fairly non-descript problem. Any suggestions would be greatly

Ben Howard

Hi Kyle,
Are you what sort of installation are you doing? (single computer/advanced

Also, PS does not need WSS 3.0 installed prior to installation, in fact PS
will install it itself which is the easier way forward.

Is SQL installed, if so, which version?

Kyle Doolittle

Hello Ben,

I'm attempting to so a single computer setup. I have SQL Server 2005 set up
and working properly with my other programs.

What really confuses me is that Project Server setup halts immediately after
I specify the installation details. I see a flash of a progress bar as it
begins to install, but then it cuts out immediately.

I have plenty of hard drive space.

I've also installed PS2007 on other Small Business Server machines
successfully before. This one is especially confusing.

Thanks, Kyle

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