Unable to Load Outlook... Error with Metamail



This is the error I recieve. The add-in "C:\Progrm Files\Metamail
Inc/Metamail Reader\UTCExch.dll" could not be installed or loaded. This
problem can be resolved by using Detect and Repair on the Help menu. Unable
to load "C:\Program Files\Metamail Inc\Metamail R..." You may be out of
memory, out of system resources or missing a .dll file.


AmyK said:
This is the error I recieve. The add-in "C:\Progrm Files\Metamail
Inc/Metamail Reader\UTCExch.dll" could not be installed or loaded.
problem can be resolved by using Detect and Repair on the Help menu.
to load "C:\Program Files\Metamail Inc\Metamail R..." You may be out
memory, out of system resources or missing a .dll file.

So uninstall MetaMail. Obviously it doesn't work or you haven't moved
to a later version of it that is compatible with whatever version of
Outlook you are using.


Not as easy as that sounds, I have the same problem, Metamail installed
itself with Photovista, a panorama software. On load Outlook 2007, on
WinVista, says unable to load addin metamail. It is not in the addins list in
the trust center or in control panel remove programs. I cannot figure out how
to get rid of it.


Steve wrote in message
Not as easy as that sounds, I have the same problem, Metamail
itself with Photovista, a panorama software. On load Outlook 2007, on
WinVista, says unable to load addin metamail. It is not in the addins
list in
the trust center or in control panel remove programs. I cannot figure
out how
to get rid of it.

Don't know what you mean by "trust center" (there has yet to be any
bang-for-the-buck for me to move up from OL2002). I am still using
OL2002. In OL2002, go to Tools -> Options -> Other -> Advanced and find
the add-in or plug-in. You can disable it (unselect the add-on).
Alternatively, you can start Outlook in safe mode ("outlook.exe /safe")
so it doesn't load add-ons during its startup (so you can get into
Outlook) and then disable or remove the add-ons. Presumably OL2007
still have a safe startup mode.

If it is not listed in the add-in or plug-ins, perhaps it is "wrapper"
software that runs constantly as a background process to modify Outlook
when it sees outlook.exe got loaded (PKZip had an Outlook "plug-in" that
worked that way). You'll need to inspect your startup programs and look
in Task Manager's processes to see if you can identify the program for

So their FAQ at http://www.metamail.com/support/faq.htm doesn't help? I
found it through a simple Google search
(http://www.google.com/search?q=+metamail++uninstall). According to
them, there should be an entry in the Add/Remove Programs applet. Did
you check the box to show all updates? They even address the error
specified in the original post. The Google search also turned up
http://snipurl.com/1l4c3. Don't know if using or have used trial
versions of Outlook applies to you or the OP. I didn't waste my time
trying to find a "Systems/Software Requirements" listing for Metamail to
determine if it can be used with OL2007.

So when installing PhotoVista, there isn't an option to NOT install
MetaMail? I see many installs that want to include some search toolbar
but they let you uncheck the box so to not install that fluffware.

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