Unable to log on to Project server 2003 (Error 5001)


Poonam Thawani

The following error is encountered whenever I attempt to login to Project
Server databse through Project Web Access.

"Microsoft Project was unable to log you on at this time because the
Microsoft Project Server database cannot be accessed. Please try again later
or check with your Microsoft Project Server administrator. (5001) "

I had tried the resolution provided on microsoft site (
http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb;en-us;839773&spid=2525&sid=global) for
the above error.

But the problem persist.
Looking at the event viewer on the server error shows :

Type: Error
Event ID : 2
"Component: PjSvrSecurity
Line: 188
Error Number: 0x80004005
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

"Component: PjQuery
File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\server\pjquery\PjGenericQuery.cpp
Line: 748
Error Number: 0x80004003
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

Brief Summary

The project Server 2003 installation is a Single server installation running
Windows Server 2003,Microsoft SQL Server 2000,SQL server Analysis Services &
Sharepoint Portal server 2003.

The project server 2003 was installed successfully and the project default
webparts (Project Timesheet,Project Report,Project Center,Project Manager
Updates,Project Resource assignment,Project portfolio analyzer) were deployed
and were running successfully.

No change has been made but the above mentioned error is encountered
whenever I attempt to login through Project Web Access.

Any help would be appreciated.

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