Larry Linson
And Larry replied:
Please have the courtesy to cross-post, listing all the newsgroups in the
Newsgroups portion of the header, rather than multiposting as you did
here -- posting separate but identical questions. And, just for your
information, even crossposting is rarely necessary if you chose your
newsgroups wisely so the question is on-topic. Crossposting keeps questions
and answers together, so all can benefit.
I have responded to your question in a different newsgroup.
Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP
And Larry replied:
Please have the courtesy to cross-post, listing all the newsgroups in the
Newsgroups portion of the header, rather than multiposting as you did
here -- posting separate but identical questions. And, just for your
information, even crossposting is rarely necessary if you chose your
newsgroups wisely so the question is on-topic. Crossposting keeps questions
and answers together, so all can benefit.
I have responded to your question in a different newsgroup.
Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP