I get the following dialog box when trying to post to newsgroups. I found
one MS solution that said this was caused by a corrupt outbox.dbx file and to
do a search for this file and rename it. Search of my computer turned up no
Outlook Express could not post your message. Subject 'postings not getting
through', Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: NNTP, Server Response: '441 Posting
Failed (Rejected by POST filter)', Port: 119, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error:
441, Error Number: 0x800CCCA9
441 is a server-side status. They don't like your post and have
rejected it, or they don't like you. What did Bell South say when you
called them to report an outage or access failure regarding one of the
service for which you pay them?
Are you on the same network as the NNTP host to which you are
connecting? That is, are you connected to Bell South's network when you
are trying to access Bell South's NNTP host? Some ISPs refuse to let
strangers (those not currently on their network) have access to their
NNTP host. My ISP (Comcast) is like that. That means I cannot connect
to their NNTP host from work because I am not on their network when I
attempt to connect to their NNTP host. I got around it by using Remote
Desktop from work (with permission from the IT folks) to gain access to
their NNTP host from my home computer that is connected on their
What NNTP client are you using? Some let you configure them so they
locally generate the Message-ID. If a Message-ID header is absent, the
NNTP server needs to add it. If a Message-ID header is present, the
NNTP server has a choice to use it or override and use its own. Are you
playing around with the Message-ID header in your posts?
Some NSPs (newsgroup service providers) require that you specify an
e-mail address in your posts. Did you leave the E-mail field blank?
Some require that a validly syntaxed string for an e-mail address be
specified in the From header. Even if a bogus or munged e-mail address,
is it a validly syntaxed e-mail address? A few even require that the
e-mail address in the From header match up with the login credentials
you used to access that NNTP server (i.e., they demand that you use the
same e-mail address in your postings as the e-mail address associated
with your NNTP access - which means you end up divulging your true
e-mail address in your postings). You never mentioned if this is a
continuous problem or occurs occasionally.