Unable to publish - false FP extention error




I am unable to publish to or from my the web site. It
does prompt me for id and password so I know that I am
getting to the server but then the following messages pop

My error message:
The server could not complete your request...make sure
that the server has ProntPage Server Extentions installed.

-2146893052 (0x80090304)

If I try to edit the pages online, I get a message saying
that no web is found at that location, then opens the
page but I cannot save.

I have not had problems in the past but have had a few
changes to my environment.
1) Windows 2000 pc was replaced with new Windows XP unit.
2) New ISP as old one went under.

The web site is www.ostrich.ca
No change to Web Host provider or their servers.
Win2K Server is running, IIS v5.0 - no change there
either. The Web site is up and running fine

Thanks for any assistance.


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