Unable to reference a data source element in script?




I am trying the following in VBScript:

MsgBox XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("//my:field1").text

But I get an "Object Required: " error on that line. AFAIK I have the
namespace declared properly... and I do have a "field1" field in my data

Something else I tried, was to right-click the textbox, go to Properties >
Data Validation > Events: OnBeforeChange > Edit, at which point InfoPath
switched to the script editor and inserted the following comment... Note the
3rd line:

' The following function handler is created by Microsoft Office InfoPath.
' Do not modify the name of the function, or the name and number of
' This function is associated with the following field or group (XPath):
' Note: Information in this comment is not updated after the function
handler is created.

So I edited the line of code to read instead:

MsgBox XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:field1").text

However I receive the exact same error. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Scott Roberts [MSFT]

I just tried this with a textbox bound to my:field1 and it works. Can you
explain in more detail how you built your form?

- Scott

Scott L. Heim [MSFT]

Hi JC,

I placed a text box (named field1) and a button on my form.On the click
event of the button, I have the following:

MsgBox XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("//my:myFields/my:field1").text

I then Preview the form, enter Scott in the text box and when I click the
button the message box displays the correct text. However, if I remove one
of the intial slashes ("/") so that I have: "/my:myFields/my:field1" I get
an empty message box.

Hopefully this will help!

Scott Heim

Scott Roberts [MSFT]

That's odd b/c when I try it with just one slash it works. Here is what I
did. Let me know if this matches what you did.

1. Create a new blank form (Set language to VBScript.)
2. Insert a text box
3. Open the properties dialog of the textbox
4. Click on the data validation button and choose to edit the OnBeforeChange
5. Enter MsgBox
XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:field1").text in the event
6. Preview the form
7. Enter text in the text box and tab away

At this point I see the alert.

- Scott



Thank you for your reply. I am going crazy here :)

When I first started designing the form, I built it by modifying the Issue
Tracking (Simple) sample. Could this be the cause for the problem?

I created a blank form, and the code below works.... So why would it not
work in my actual form?

Thanks again,

Scott Roberts [MSFT]

The Issue Tracking form is pretty complex. It's possible that something
else in the form is causing this to fail. If I get a few minutes, I'll try
this in the Issue Tracking form.

- Scott

Scott L. Heim [MSFT]

Hi JC,

Well modifying one of the built-in samples could be the problem but without
knowing all the modifications you made, it's difficult to tell. However,
let me document the steps I just followed with the same template:

1) Chose to design the Issue Tracking (Simple) Sample
2) Displayed the Datasource Task Pane
3) Right-clicked on the root "issue" element and chose Add
4) Entered a name of: Field1 and clicked OK
5) Dragged Field1 onto the Issue Tracking View
6) Added a button to the Issue Tracking View
7) Edited the code for the button and entered the following (jscript):

var myFld = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("//my:Field1");

8) Previewed the solution, entered Scott in Field1 and clicked the button -
result: a message box was displayed with Scott.

Now I realize these are very basic changes but try these with a new copy of
the sample and let me know the results.

Best Regards,

Scott L. Heim

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