Unable to save a new file with Excel 2004 version 11.0 under Panther 10.3.3



When I try to save a new file, the coloured ball appears and rolls,
but nothing happens.
I have verified my authorizations with Disk Utility.
Excel and the machine, a PWB G4 1,5 GHz, are one month old.

Jim Gordon MVP


You have already repaired permissions, so the next thing I would do is
to (with Excel closed) delete Excel's preferences and plist file then
empty the trash. Open Excel and see if that fixed things.



Thanks, il works.
Wih Office 2000 under Jaguar, there were one preference file and one
plist file for Excel, with Office 2004 under Panther, there is only a
plist file apparently.

Jim Gordon MVP

Hi again,

Within each user's file heirarchy is a Library folder that has a
Preferences folder.

In the preferences folder you will find plist files for various office
applications, and a Microsoft folder that has more preferences.


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