Green Fox
I'm confounded by what I think should be a rather simple formula -- I
think an array formula. Here's what I have so far:
Date"All is a named range of numbers
WeekdayAll represent weekdays (1, 2, 3...7)
Quarter is either q1, q2, q3 or q4
Fiscal basically the fiscal year, in our case september through
I want the sum of all the tuesday numbers from the first quarter in
fiscal 1997.
my data is in a simple list
Date Numbers weekday quarter Fiscal
Am I completely of base here, or am I working in the right direction?
Not yet throwing things.
think an array formula. Here's what I have so far:
Date"All is a named range of numbers
WeekdayAll represent weekdays (1, 2, 3...7)
Quarter is either q1, q2, q3 or q4
Fiscal basically the fiscal year, in our case september through
I want the sum of all the tuesday numbers from the first quarter in
fiscal 1997.
my data is in a simple list
Date Numbers weekday quarter Fiscal
Am I completely of base here, or am I working in the right direction?
Not yet throwing things.