unable to sort a table


Bill R.


I am a just-beyond-beginning user of Access 97 on a
Windows 98se machine. All of a sudden I am unable to sort
any of my tables. I click on a column heading but the A\Z
and Z\A buttons in the toolbar stay grayed out. Any ideas
on what has happened? I appreciate any help offered.

Bill R.

Bill R.

No, none of my tables have a Memo field. Vast majority
are text, while some are currency or date/time. The sort
buttons remain grayed out no matter what column I choose.
All these tables worked before.

-----Original Message-----
You can't sort data on a memo field... is this the DataType of the field?


Jeff Boyce


Before what? When did you first notice? What changes, if any, were made to
the machine/software? Had any "auto-updates" recently? Any network

Can you create a new Access database and test the same issue? Does the
problem only happen on one or on all Access dbs?

More info, please...

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Bill R.

Hi Jeff,

When I wrote "All these tables worked before," I meant
they all used to work before....they all stopped working!

I first noticed middle of last week. No changes have been
made to the hardware and the only software I have
installed recently is a waste-of-money CD labeling
program: CD Label Creator Essentials from Print Shop. I
have since uninstalled it, but still have the Access

I don't use auto-update and have not had to download
anything from Windows Update in over a month. My machine
is a single home PC, not on a network.

I created a test DB and also had the same problem. It
happens on all my tables in all my Access DBs.

Thanks for your interest in solving my problem,


Jeff Boyce


I was looking to define the boundaries a bit better. At this point, I've
reach the limit of my experience and will defer to other 'group readers.

If you haven't already checked there, trying looking at Google.com or the
mvps.org website on the topic.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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