What are the exact steps to make this a template?
Create a new document, use VBE to create a new module in that document,
put the Sub in there, use File->Save As or Office Btton->Save As to save
as a template (.dot in Word 2003 and earlier, .dotm in Word 2007).
You say the template goes in the startup folder. Which is the Word startup
folder? Is it C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12, or in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Templates, or somewhere else?
In Word 2007, the Startup folder is defined in Word Office Button->Word
options->Advanced->File Locations
In Word 2003 (and probably earlier) it's in Word Tools->Options->File
Here, for example, these are both set by default to be in per-user
There is also a startup folder under the program path, but AIUI this is
the "Wrong" path to put things - see e.g.
I expect Doug will tell us if this is no longer correct.
Does the name of the template file matter?
It shouldn't.
Or does the first line "Sub
MailMergePropagateLabel()" do the mapping over the bad default command
regardless of the template name?
It should, but if the macro is not running at all it is possible that
there is a security/trust issue.
I've tried several incatations of the template file, but I am still not
getting the <<Address Block>> propogating properly across the label document
after hitting "Update Labels".
If your label layout happens to be the sort which uses "spacer" columns
then the macro will need to skip some cells. This version may do it.
Sub MailMergePropagateLabel()
Dim atable As Table
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim jBlank As Integer
Dim source As Cell
Dim myrange As Range
Set atable = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
' Are we doing all columns or skipping columns?
' jBlank = 0 means "replicate to odd-numbered columns"
' jBlank = 2 means "replicate to all columns"
jBlank = 2
If atable.Columns.Count > 2 Then
If atable.Columns.Count Mod 2 = 1 Then
If atable.Columns(2).Width <> atable.Columns(1).Width Then
jBlank = 0
For j = 3 To atable.Columns.Count
If atable.Columns(j).Width <> atable.Columns(2 - (j Mod
2)).Width Then
jBlank = 2
Exit For
End If
Next j
End If
End If
End If
Set source = atable.Cell(1, 1)
Set myrange = source.Range
myrange.Collapse wdCollapseStart
ActiveDocument.Fields.Add Range:=myrange, Text:="NEXT",
For i = 1 To atable.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To atable.Columns.Count
' skip cell 1
If i + j > 2 Then
' always delete the cell content
atable.Cell(i, j).Range.Delete
' If it's a label, not a spacer, copy the content
If j Mod 2 <> jBlank Then
atable.Cell(i, j).Range.Paste
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
atable.Cell(1, 1).Range.Fields(1).Delete
End Sub
By the way, I'm not on a tablet PC, but on a touch enabled desktop. You are
going to see many more people run across this bug as Win7 drives more touch
PC volume into the market.
FWIW I am not a Microsoft employee, but a few years ago I put a lot of
effort into verifying that this problem was tablet-specific and
reporting it. Since then, the problem has spread to Vista when using
tablet and other types of device. Unfortunately I have no idea whether
Microsoft has actually identified the root cause (I made one
suggestion), but if they have, I really do think this problem deserves a
fix in Windows because it appears that the Word team simply cannot work
around it.
Peter Jamieson