Unable to view images or folders on website while in FP



Strange thing. After working in FP since 97 this is a new one on me.
I have a rather large website that is a Windows -based server and uses
FP 2003.
The same hosting company also hosts two "companion" websites.
Everything was going great until two weeks ago while inserting an image
that was on server to webpage I could not see images. I could not see
folders as well when trying to do an insert, import or 'save as'.

To explain better, you CAN see folders and images while looking at
'Folder List" bar. If you have page open and try to insert image, they
are missing in that option. Also when you first start FrontPage, and
open that site, you do not see folders or images after you provide
username and password.

Now if I try to insert images from the 'companion' websites to this
one, I can see images. In fact other websites that I work on are
working fine in this Frontpage.

We have re-installed Frontpage and it's extentions all over again and
re-started server sevral times.

The danger is that when you try to save a webpage that you are working
on and then do a 'save as' and name it some name that is already in use
it will overwrite without the "idiot" promt. This is in folders as well
as in root web. So in fact, you could be working on index page of a
folder and overwrite your root index (homepage). Also if you have
others working on site with you they could be working on same page you
are and overwrite without the "Bob has saved an earlier version of this

Right now the only way I can insert an image is to Drag and drop from
folder list.

Any ideas how to get this back to normal?

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