Unbind chart from pivot table by column?



I have a pivot table with several calculated totals being shown in a
chart. However, some of the totals are percentages while others are
for revenue. This means that numerically speaking we are showing a
chart with 0.25 next to 1,000,000 which is to say the least, useless.
Is there a way to programmatically unbind a column from a chart
without removing it from the pivot table? So for example, if I have
"Year to date revenue","Previous Year Revenue" and "Yearly Ratio" I
would like to unbind "Yearly Ratio" from the chart.

Josiah Fizer

Thao Moua [ms]

The chart is bound to the pivottable so you cannot easily remove. The
alternative way you can remove a column is not to include the column name in
your pivot table query or you can filter out the series you do not want.

Thao Moua
OWC Chartspace Support

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Let me see if I can explain the problem better. I have several
calculated totals and a few nested rows. This means that by default,
the calculated totals are being displayed as columns in the table AND
in the chart. Since the totals are generated on the fly I dont see a
way to exclude them from the pivot table querry. So I want these
totals to display in the table, but not in the chart. any ideas?

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