Unbound combo box Filters?



I have two unbound combo boxes cbo1 & cbo 3. I would like to have values
that are in thoses boxes to show all record that are in the table.

the fields in the data table are [Program type] = cbo 1 & [Week of]=cbo3

So if ECF is chosen from the dropdown in cbo1 and 1/07/07 is chosen from
cbo3 the table below will show only records that meet that critera.

I've been working on this all day any have gotten no where. PLEASE HELP.




The answer depends on how you have set up your table to show the data.
This answer assumes you have a form not based on a data source and a
sub-form based on your table.

You need to change the data source of your sub-form to be a query.
Have the query be all of the fields in your table that you wish to
display, and set the criteria for [Program type] to be cbo1 and [Week
of] to be cbo3.

To actually refer to your combo boxes in the query criteria, you need
to specify the path to the object being referenced. In this case:

Hope this helps,




Generally, a form will be either a datasheet (looks like a
spreadsheet), a single form or a continuous form. Your initial request
says that you have unbound combo boxes on the form, so it is not a
datasheet. That being the case, your data table is being displayed as
part of a control.

What type of control is being used to display the data from your
table? Is it a subform? Is your table being displayed in datasheet
view? Is it a list box?

Did you use a wizard to set up the form? Which one?

The answer to your problem depends on the which control is used to
display the multiple records that match your combo boxes.



what i did was created a new form in design view and draded over the table
named Pitt data. I the change the control to pitt data, and added combo boxes
right above it. one being Program type and the other being Weeks of. The
combo boxes say unbound in design view and the spot where the table is it
says pitt data.table.

I'm am sorry about the crude explanation. I'm kinda new and I'm still


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