Unbound ComboBox to retrieve a record in another form

  • Thread starter ForeverLearning
  • Start date


Hi all,
I have a form which has a Header & Detail section.
The Header has a textbox which shows a Logged on User name & a Textbox
showing that logged on User name access level. Also a ComboBox unbound which
lists all names (unrelated to sign on Username) and a Textbox showing
Department - related to to name on comboBox an a textbox showing Level -
related to name on ComboBox (All this part works)

On the Detail form there are 6 Multipages.
Each name from the comboBox is associated with a Multipage which represents a
Department area.
That is if you select a name from the ComboBox the corresponding Multipage
shows and the others locked out.

Now on each Multipage which represents a Department there are various
textboxes and associated buttons which when clicked opens a coresponding form
to that machine which is a record for that machine.

What I am trying to do is when I select a name from ComboBox the
corresponding Multipage opens and then I click a machine button which then
opens the record form - but I need to have the record to open to the name
from comboBox if any and if not a message box asking if you want to add a new
record for that name and how to invoke that new record procedure.

I appreciate any help or guidance.


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