Alexander Mueller
I'd like to know two things:
1) How is it possible to not bind a control (TextBox/ListBox)
on a Outlook form that edits a contact item to a certain
I want a ListBox to display a number of strings in
checkbox-mode (Liststyle = 1, MultiSelect = 1)
It seems not to be possible in the standard Property-page because
the textbox field for possible values is disabled as long the control
is not bound to a Property
2) How do I catch the click event of a ListBox?
If I open the Script-Editor the Events-Pane displays only the
events of the Form itself (Open/Read/Item_PropertyChanged etc..)
Do I simply have to enter it the default VBA-way:
Sub ListBox1_Click
Msgbox "clicked"
End Sub
Any hints very much appreciated!
(Sorry for multiposting to the ol.forms-ng).
I'd like to know two things:
1) How is it possible to not bind a control (TextBox/ListBox)
on a Outlook form that edits a contact item to a certain
I want a ListBox to display a number of strings in
checkbox-mode (Liststyle = 1, MultiSelect = 1)
It seems not to be possible in the standard Property-page because
the textbox field for possible values is disabled as long the control
is not bound to a Property
2) How do I catch the click event of a ListBox?
If I open the Script-Editor the Events-Pane displays only the
events of the Form itself (Open/Read/Item_PropertyChanged etc..)
Do I simply have to enter it the default VBA-way:
Sub ListBox1_Click
Msgbox "clicked"
End Sub
Any hints very much appreciated!
(Sorry for multiposting to the ol.forms-ng).