Unbound Form making an ODBC call to a DB2 database?


Mr B

Hi all, I would really appreciate any feedback on this problem as it
has had me stumped for a long time now! I am using Access 97 as a
front-end to a DB2 database and i'm trying to create a query which will
return results from the DB2 database between certain date values. When
the date values are hard-coded, (Between #01/04/06# And #01/05/06#) for
example, this query runs fine and returns the results. However the
snag is, I want the user to be able to enter these two date values as
query criteria in an unbound form. They enter the dates into a text
box, run the query via a macro, and then the make-table query puts the
results in a table.

Between [forms]![qryFind]![tbDateBegin] And

This returns with an error message which says that the ODBC call
failed. I have tried using date variables in the forms code,
(dtDateBegin = CDate(tbDateBegin)) but the query returns 0 rows
everytime. I have also tried changing the format of the date using the
date variable.

Format%([forms]![qryFind]![dtDateBegin], "mm-dd-yyyy")

As I was told the IBM DB2 prefered dealing with dates in the format.

Does anyone have any ideas? Is there something basic I have not done??
I am not an experienced Access Develeper, a few leads I have had, I
dont know what relevance is the use of a pass-through query?? Also
would creating a hard-coded query to return all the results in the
expected range first, and then running look-up query on this table of
results work??

Sorry for being so long-winded!! Any feedback much appreciated


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