Unbound forms


Tom Jones

Can someone explain their use, application and implementation to me?
I've gotten replies on previous questions to use unbound forms to enter
data and use that data to execute queries.

How do I get the entered information used as the basis of my query



I have found unbound forms are good for Switchboards.
Making a form which has options on what to due (guides the
user through the database and keeps them from "roaming"
and "pecking" around)
As for entering data, I can not say I have ever used an
unbound form for that.



How do I get the entered information used as the basis of my query

By setting the query criteria, using the

If you wanted to return records between 2 dates entered
on the form, the query criteria for the date field would be:

Between forms!FormName!StartDate And forms!FormName!EndDate

StartDate and EndDate are the two control on the form in
which you would enter the dates.

The form must remain open when the query is run.
On way to do this (assuming you just want to see the
query data, and are not using the query as a report recordsource)

Add a Command Button to the form.
Code it's Click event:

DoCmd.OpenQuery "QueryName"
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name

When you want to run the query, open the Form.
Enter the dates.
Click the command Button.
The query will display records between those entered dates.
The form will close.

Kelvin Lu

A unbound form is basically a temporary form used to view, edit, and add
data. A bound form is continuously linked to the data in ta table so when
the data on the form changes, the data in the table automatically changes.
An unbound form calls up the information from the table shows it on the form
and stops. Usually command buttons are used to save the data back to the

Kelvin Lu

Albert D. Kallal

Any kind of form that is NOT attached to a table is a un-bound form.

You can still have some contorls like a listbox, or combo box bound to a
table, but they will not store the data anywhere.

Thus, the contols on the screen can't save their data anwaywhere. For basic
interface stuff, un-bound fomrs is what you use. You turn off all the reocrd
selecters etc.

Here is some screen shots of un-bound contolrs. The screen shots are that of
report prompts, and thus the forms don't edit, or save data. They are just
general interface forms, and hence are un-bound to tables.

Albert D. Kallal

Opps, bumped the send key...

Any kind of form that is NOT attached to a table is a un-bound form.

You can still have some controls like a listbox, or combo box bound to a
table, but they will not store the data anywhere.

Thus, the controls on the screen can't save their data anywhere. For basic
interface stuff, un-bound forms is what you use. You turn off all the record
selectors etc.

Here is some screen shots of un-bound controls. The screen shots are that of
report prompts, and thus the forms don't edit, or save data. They are just
general interface forms, and hence are un-bound to tables.


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