Uncheck values



Hi, guy

I know you can help me

I have a 3 fields in table "SeedStock
IMEI(text) Model(ComboBox) Swapped(Yes/No

I need a report of IMEI all the IMEI's that has not been swapped and list by Model

Report will look like this

IMEI Model Swappe

100306264370 i80s N
100057268370 i80s N
100803393370 i50sx N
102706792230 i50sx N
102842068230 i50sx N
102919846230 i50sx N
102169600230 i55sr N
103796801230 i55sr N

Totals: (3) i80s
(4) i50sx

Duane Hookom

The totals should be a subreport that is based on a totals query. Come on
back if you need more assistance.

Duane Hookom

Create a query that groups by [Model] and Counts [Model]. Then create a
small report to display the results of this query. Then add this new report
as a subreport in the Report Footer section of your main report.

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