Unchecking and Rechecking Analysis Toolpak



I have created and distributed a file that requires users to have the
Analysis Toolpak add-ins enabled on their computers. For most people,
it works fine, but there are a few who are having problems with it.

The file requires users to enter input numbers and the file will
calculate profitability numbers, including IRR using the XIRR
function. I have instructed all users to check off the two related
add-ins and normally that is all it takes and it works fine. However,
there are a few who do not get results unless they uncheck (deselect)
those two boxes, then reselect them. It works, but that's a pain and
obviously not something they should have to do.

Does anyone know what could be causing this? It is some kind of Excel
or pc setting that I'm not familiar with? Thanks in advance! :)


Hmm. I think everyone is on Excel 2003. When they first start up,
they go into the menu and select the two boxes.

Seems like that should take care of it and it usually does, but there
are some people who have to deselect then reselect each time. It's
really weird. :(

Bruce Sinclair

Hmm. I think everyone is on Excel 2003. When they first start up,
they go into the menu and select the two boxes.

Seems like that should take care of it and it usually does, but there
are some people who have to deselect then reselect each time. It's
really weird. :(

I have seen this (it happens to me). I was led to believe that it is
something to do with system settings/protections. Are the people who have to
uncheck/recheck in a different organisation to you ? ... or maybe at a
different site with different security settings ?

I have not heard of a fix ... if you find one I'd love to know :)


Michael Bednarek

Hmm. I think everyone is on Excel 2003. When they first start up,
they go into the menu and select the two boxes.

.... and press the OK button, I presume? Have you observed them?
Seems like that should take care of it and it usually does, but there
are some people who have to deselect then reselect each time. It's
really weird. :(

Nick Hodge made the point that the Analysis Toolpack might not be
installed on those PCs - it is an optional component during installation
and not installed by default. See:

It's not clear to me whether this explains the odd behaviour of some of
your PCs.


I have seen this (it happens to me). I was led to believe that it is
something to do with system settings/protections. Are the people who have to
uncheck/recheck in a different organisation to you ? ... or maybe at a
different site with different security settings ?

I have not heard of a fix ... if you find one I'd love to know :)


Well, we are in the same company, but I am in Finance and they are in
Sales. Same location. I've been trying to figure out what the people
who are having the problem have in common, but haven't found anything
yet. It seems to be somewhat random, although obviously there must be
something. :) I'll let you know if I figure out what's going on.


... and press the OK button, I presume? Have you observed them?

Nick Hodge made the point that the Analysis Toolpack might not be
installed on those PCs - it is an optional component during installation
and not installed by default. See:

It's not clear to me whether this explains the odd behaviour of some of
your PCs.

That's a good question. I've really only told them how to set it up
over the phone or via email, so I can't verify that they actually
clicked "OK", but I have seen those two boxes checked off when I've
gone to see their computers.

I guess I'm a little unclear about whether there is a difference
between "loading" and "installing". Is there more that has to be done
than selecting the Toolpak buttons and clicking OK? That is all I've
been telling people to do and it's been working for most people. The
link above (thanks, btw) seems to be saying that you would only get a
message if it wasn't already installed. Also, if the function works
after deselecting and then reselecting the boxes, then I'd have to
think that the program is actually installed. Of course, I could be
completely misunderstanding this. LOL.

Still stumped.


... and press the OK button, I presume? Have you observed them?

Nick Hodge made the point that the Analysis Toolpack might not be
installed on those PCs - it is an optional component during installation
and not installed by default. See:

It's not clear to me whether this explains the odd behaviour of some of
your PCs.

I hope this isn't being posted twice, but I don't think my first
attempt worked. I haven't really watched anyone do the checking of
the boxes and pressing ok, but I've seen the boxes checked when I've
gone down to look at their computers, so I think they did actually
press ok.

I guess I'm a little confused if there's a difference between loading
and installing. The link above (thanks, btw) seems to say that you
would get a special message if the toolpak wasn't installed and that
has never happened before. Also, if the function works after the
boxes have been unchecked and rechecked, that would mean that the
toolpak was installed, I'd think. So I would guess that the toolpak
is installed and loaded, but just not working all the time. I have to
figure out what is happening when I uncheck and recheck the boxes.
Still stumped. :(

Bruce Sinclair

Well, we are in the same company, but I am in Finance and they are in
Sales. Same location. I've been trying to figure out what the people
who are having the problem have in common, but haven't found anything
yet. It seems to be somewhat random, although obviously there must be
something. :) I'll let you know if I figure out what's going on.

Thanks :)

I'd start by asking your IT guys if the finance and sales sections have
different system security settings. Sounds likely (or at least possible :) )
to me. Best of luck.

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