Undefined function ‘DateDiffW’ in expression



I hope this is the correct group for this question…
I am trying to use this function that I got from Microsoft site (below)
When I try and use a query using the DateDiffW function I get “Undefined
function ‘DateDiffW’ in expression†error is there something I am doing
I copied the text to a module, named the module “DateDiffW. I then placed
Days Requested: datediffW([startdate], [enddate]) in my query and I get the

Function DateDiffW(BegDate, EndDate)
Const SUNDAY = 1
Const SATURDAY = 7
Dim NumWeeks As Integer

If BegDate > EndDate Then
DateDiffW = 0
Select Case Weekday(BegDate)
Case SUNDAY: BegDate = BegDate + 1
Case SATURDAY: BegDate = BegDate + 2
End Select
Select Case Weekday(EndDate)
Case SUNDAY: EndDate = EndDate - 2
Case SATURDAY: EndDate = EndDate - 1
End Select
NumWeeks = DateDiff("ww", BegDate, EndDate)
DateDiffW = NumWeeks * 5 + Weekday(EndDate) - Weekday(BegDate)
End If
End Function

Ken Snell [MVP]

The module must have a different name than any functions, subroutines, etc.
that are in your database project. Change the name of the module.


Thank you!!

Ken Snell said:
The module must have a different name than any functions, subroutines, etc.
that are in your database project. Change the name of the module.


Ken Snell

Raj said:
I hope this is the correct group for this question.
I am trying to use this function that I got from Microsoft site (below)
When I try and use a query using the DateDiffW function I get "Undefined
function 'DateDiffW' in expression" error is there something I am doing
I copied the text to a module, named the module "DateDiffW. I then placed
Days Requested: datediffW([startdate], [enddate]) in my query and I get

Function DateDiffW(BegDate, EndDate)
Const SUNDAY = 1
Const SATURDAY = 7
Dim NumWeeks As Integer

If BegDate > EndDate Then
DateDiffW = 0
Select Case Weekday(BegDate)
Case SUNDAY: BegDate = BegDate + 1
Case SATURDAY: BegDate = BegDate + 2
End Select
Select Case Weekday(EndDate)
Case SUNDAY: EndDate = EndDate - 2
Case SATURDAY: EndDate = EndDate - 1
End Select
NumWeeks = DateDiff("ww", BegDate, EndDate)
DateDiffW = NumWeeks * 5 + Weekday(EndDate) - Weekday(BegDate)
End If
End Function

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