Underline text for one level of outline?



When using outline numbering, can you have the first line of text underlined?
When I try to do that, it only underlines the number.

I'm looking for it to look like:
1. Underlined text that I've typed
A. Second level text is normal
i. Third level text normal

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

You need to modify the font in the Style that is attached to that Heading
Level, not the font that is used for the number.

Hope this helps,

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Please reply only to the newsgroups unless you wish to obtain my services on
a paid professional basis.


Doug--thanks for such a quick response. The problem is that the outline
itself is the style that we are using--so it looks like it was set up wrong
(playing with it, I see that using outllining creates an individual style for
each level).

So, seems like the best solution is to use search & replace for each level,
apply it as outlined number, and then update the style for each level?


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