OK, I have a template that I created which is more or
less a giant table with a form field or drop-down menu in
each cell. One of my coworkers is using this form, and
wants to underline text within the form field. Not the
whole field, just a portion of the text.
After talking to him, it looks like almost everythign
that he wants to underline appears in a common form: XX-
#, where X is a capital letter and # is a number. Is
there any way, perhaps through a macro, for me to allow
him to do this, or to just have Word automatically
underline all instances of this sort of text?
less a giant table with a form field or drop-down menu in
each cell. One of my coworkers is using this form, and
wants to underline text within the form field. Not the
whole field, just a portion of the text.
After talking to him, it looks like almost everythign
that he wants to underline appears in a common form: XX-
#, where X is a capital letter and # is a number. Is
there any way, perhaps through a macro, for me to allow
him to do this, or to just have Word automatically
underline all instances of this sort of text?