underscore=line continuation?




in a book i'm reading it says the underscore character is
used in vba as a line continuation character. However,
when i write the following SQL statement the first field
on the third line is highlighted and an error appears
stating 'compile error: expected: list seperator or )'.
Why is this?

Set mrec = mdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
tblLoanRelation.lngAcquisitionNumbercnt, _
tblBookRelation.strISBN, tblBookRelation.strTitle,
tblBookRelation.strAuthor, _
tblLoanRelation.dtmDateBorrowed FROM tblloanrelation, _
tblacquisitionrelation, tblbookrelation WHERE _
ion.lngacquisitionnumbercnt _
AND tblacquisitionrelation.strisbn=tblbookrelation.strisbn
AND tblloanrelation.lngBorrowerNumbercnt=" &
mvarlngNumber, dbOpenDynaset)

Ken Snell

When you are building a long text string, such as the SQL statement that
you're showing, you must "end" and "re-begin" the string on each line, and
concatenate each line together.

Set mrec = mdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT " & _
"tblLoanRelation.lngAcquisitionNumbercnt, " & _
"tblBookRelation.strISBN, tblBookRelation.strTitle, " & _
"tblBookRelation.strAuthor, " & _
"tblLoanRelation.dtmDateReserved, " & _
"tblLoanRelation.dtmDateBorrowed FROM tblloanrelation, " & _
"tblacquisitionrelation, tblbookrelation WHERE " & _
"tblloanrelation.lngacquisitionnumbercnt=" & _
"tblacquisitionrelation.lngacquisitionnumbercnt " & _
"AND tblacquisitionrelation.strisbn=tblbookrelation.strisbn " & _
"AND tblloanrelation.lngBorrowerNumbercnt=" & _
mvarlngNumber, dbOpenDynaset)


thanks ken
-----Original Message-----
When you are building a long text string, such as the SQL statement that
you're showing, you must "end" and "re-begin" the string on each line, and
concatenate each line together.

Set mrec = mdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT " & _
"tblLoanRelation.lngAcquisitionNumbercnt, " & _
"tblBookRelation.strISBN, tblBookRelation.strTitle, " & _
"tblBookRelation.strAuthor, " & _
"tblLoanRelation.dtmDateReserved, " & _
"tblLoanRelation.dtmDateBorrowed FROM tblloanrelation, " & _
"tblacquisitionrelation, tblbookrelation WHERE " & _
"tblloanrelation.lngacquisitionnumbercnt=" & _
"tblacquisitionrelation.lngacquisitionnumbercnt " & _
tblacquisitionrelation.strisbn=tblbookrelation.strisbn " &

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