Understanding iif statement



Hi there,

I'm trying to document a database that someone else has created. I'm going
through each query step-by-step to identify how each part works. I've come
to a stumbling block with the following statement:

Pen_%: IIf([Disc_%]*[Disc_Factor]>1,1,[Disc_%]*[Disc_Factor])

MSDN for IIf says iif(evaluation, truepart, falsepart)

OK, so given a disc_% of 9.02% and a Disc_Factor of 2.85 I'm checking if
9.02% x 2.85 is greater than 1. If it is, return 1 otherwise return the

I think it's not working correctly as access is giving Pen_% as 25.71% which
is greater than 1 so 1 should be returned right? I've tried forcing the
evaluation order with parenthesis.
It could be that I don't quite understand how the percentage data type is

Many thanks for your time.

Nikos Yannacopoulos


The parentheses will not help you, there is no order to force; you only
have one calculation on the LHS of the evaluation. This is not the problem.

Actually there is no problem, Access is doing the right thing.: 9.02% is
actually 0.0902, so 9.02% x 2.85 = 0.25707, displayed 25.71%. This is
obviously < 1, thus the condition evaluates to false, and the false part
(i.e. the calculation result) is returned.

Suggestion: forhet all about the percentages, if they are confusing,
work with plain onld fashioned decimals (data type Single or Double)
where 0.0902 x 2.85 = 0.25707 is straightforward.



Nikos said:
if they are confusing,
work with plain onld fashioned decimals (data type Single or Double)
where 0.0902 x 2.85 = 0.25707 is straightforward.

.... or indeed the new-fangled but native DECIMAL data type i.e.

SELECT TYPENAME(0.0902 * 2.85)

returns 'Decimal' :)

Nikos Yannacopoulos

Provided one's working with A2K2 or A2K3. I have A2K3 but I'm in a mixed
environment, most of my users are still on A2K so I'm still in an A2K
mindset :)

Interesting: while SQL SELECT TYPENAME(0.0902 * 2.85) indeed returns
Decimal, ?TYPENAME(0.0902 * 2.85) in the immediate window returns Double!!!



Nikos said:
Interesting: while SQL SELECT TYPENAME(0.0902 * 2.85) indeed returns
Decimal, ?TYPENAME(0.0902 * 2.85) in the immediate window returns Double!!!

That is because, in lieu of explicit casting, VBA assumes your values
are Double. Try:

? TypeName(CDec(0.0902) * 2.85)

and you should get Decimal.

For further interest, in SQL:

SELECT TYPENAME(5 / 2), TYPENAME(5 * 0.5), TYPENAME(5 / 0.5)

returns Double, Decimal, Decimal respectively.

Nikos Yannacopoulos


Nikos Yannacopoulos wrote:

That is because, in lieu of explicit casting, VBA assumes your values
are Double. Try:

? TypeName(CDec(0.0902) * 2.85)

and you should get Decimal.

For further interest, in SQL:

SELECT TYPENAME(5 / 2), TYPENAME(5 * 0.5), TYPENAME(5 / 0.5)

returns Double, Decimal, Decimal respectively.

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