I've been trying to create useable Access applications for about the last
four years and am getting really fed up always running into messy deadends
about a day after trying to create a new .mdb file! All the text books
follow the same, "If you do this, this, this and that, then .... ta da!
Look what happens!", without any explanation of the fundamentals from whihc
you can learn to create your own applications from scratch. Has anyone any
tips of websites or books that for instance:
Show the logic behind how Access processes Queries, and how they sometimes
automatically 'pull-in' the related field on a table not included in the
Query, but which is the subject of a table's lookup relationship. How
Access uses Queries for instance to identify information that is in one
table but not in another (a kind of negative-addition, verging on black
magic) is a great mystery to me.
Why it is so easy to make a query that filters / collates data from many
tables, but going the other way, creating forms based on more than one
table, that update all those necessary related tables behind the scenes,
normally just results in the frustrating "Cannot update recordset" error
Why do some but not all wizard-created table lookups not create a
relationship in the Show All relationships window, and what else is Access
hiding from us?
Why does the Group By option in Queries so annoyingly not have a simple
"Value" option in addition to Sum, Avg, Max and so on to make it useful?!
For instance, I've a table that shows what you might call "Current Tasks"
and a related table that shows the history of progress for those tasks. The
history progress table has fields of HistoryID, TaskID, Current Status,
DateRecordEntered. Common sense says that if I want a form or query that
extracts the latest Status of multiple tasks I need a Select Query that
Groups the TaskID, selects the maximum of the DateRecordEntered (so as to
get the latest entry for that TaskID, and I want the VALUE of the
CurrentStatus text field, but no! Access doesnt give that option!!
four years and am getting really fed up always running into messy deadends
about a day after trying to create a new .mdb file! All the text books
follow the same, "If you do this, this, this and that, then .... ta da!
Look what happens!", without any explanation of the fundamentals from whihc
you can learn to create your own applications from scratch. Has anyone any
tips of websites or books that for instance:
Show the logic behind how Access processes Queries, and how they sometimes
automatically 'pull-in' the related field on a table not included in the
Query, but which is the subject of a table's lookup relationship. How
Access uses Queries for instance to identify information that is in one
table but not in another (a kind of negative-addition, verging on black
magic) is a great mystery to me.
Why it is so easy to make a query that filters / collates data from many
tables, but going the other way, creating forms based on more than one
table, that update all those necessary related tables behind the scenes,
normally just results in the frustrating "Cannot update recordset" error
Why do some but not all wizard-created table lookups not create a
relationship in the Show All relationships window, and what else is Access
hiding from us?
Why does the Group By option in Queries so annoyingly not have a simple
"Value" option in addition to Sum, Avg, Max and so on to make it useful?!
For instance, I've a table that shows what you might call "Current Tasks"
and a related table that shows the history of progress for those tasks. The
history progress table has fields of HistoryID, TaskID, Current Status,
DateRecordEntered. Common sense says that if I want a form or query that
extracts the latest Status of multiple tasks I need a Select Query that
Groups the TaskID, selects the maximum of the DateRecordEntered (so as to
get the latest entry for that TaskID, and I want the VALUE of the
CurrentStatus text field, but no! Access doesnt give that option!!