Thomas M Foley
Office X, Word X, G4 iMac.
We are experiencing weird file corruption in Word. Some files after a few
days bloat to over 1 MB. Then I open them, copy the text, paste it into a
new document and Save As. The file size is then like 48Kb or whatever. I
throw out the original. This does not happen with every file, but it's like
a random force. When these files do become bloated and I try to open them,
it asks if I want to revert to the saved copy, but there is no other copy
open. Anyone have any ideas? I've reinstalled office and ran virus scan.
No macro viruses found. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
TMF Consulting, LLC
We are experiencing weird file corruption in Word. Some files after a few
days bloat to over 1 MB. Then I open them, copy the text, paste it into a
new document and Save As. The file size is then like 48Kb or whatever. I
throw out the original. This does not happen with every file, but it's like
a random force. When these files do become bloated and I try to open them,
it asks if I want to revert to the saved copy, but there is no other copy
open. Anyone have any ideas? I've reinstalled office and ran virus scan.
No macro viruses found. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
TMF Consulting, LLC