Have report containing numerous text boxes, combo boxes, subreports, report
and page headers. CanGrow and CanShrink properties (for sections, text
boxes, subreports) set to yes. KeepTogether properties for everything set to
no. No grouping. When printing some records, get unexpected page breaks
well above the bottom of the page....whereas for others, page break occurs as
desired at bottom of page. Premature page break always seems to occur after
one particular text box. Any ideas what I'm missing?
and page headers. CanGrow and CanShrink properties (for sections, text
boxes, subreports) set to yes. KeepTogether properties for everything set to
no. No grouping. When printing some records, get unexpected page breaks
well above the bottom of the page....whereas for others, page break occurs as
desired at bottom of page. Premature page break always seems to occur after
one particular text box. Any ideas what I'm missing?