Unexpected results when importing assignments from Excel


Dale Lucas

PROBLEM -- I import tasks, resources, assignments from Excel into a blank
Project file. The resulting assignment units and work are unexpectedly
changed by Project. Details of a test case to recreate this follow, as do my
specific results.

IMPORT MAP (Excel --> Project):
Task_Unique_ID --> Unique ID (merge key)
Task_Type --> Type
Name --> Name
Resource_Names --> Resource Names

Resource_ID -- ID (merge key)
Name -- Name
Max_Units -- Max Units

Task_Unique_ID -- Task Unique ID (merge key)
Resource_ID -- Resource ID
Resource_Name -- Resource Name
Work -- Work
Assignment_Units -- Units

Task (1):
Task_Unique_ID -- 1
Task_Type -- Fixed Work
Name -- Write code
Resource_Names -- Bill[25%],Sue[55%]

Resources (2):
Resource_ID -- 1, 2
Name -- Bill, Sue
Max_Units -- 25, 55

Assignments (2):
Task_Unique_ID -- 1, 1
Resource_ID -- 1, 2
Resource_Name -- Bill, Sue
Work -- 8, 12
Assignment_Units -- 25, 55

If I MERGE data: Task imports fine, resources are fine and the task has
both resources assigned (no small event when I finally got that to happen!!).
But the assignment shows:
Bill at 55% and 12 hrs (should be 25% and 8 hours)
Sue at 55% and 4.4 hours (55% is correct, but should be 12 hrs)

If I APPEND data: Task imports fine. Resources duplicate, one set has the
correct Max Units while the other has 100%. The assignments are doubled as
well, both resources assigned twice to the task:
Bill at 25% and 2 hrs
Sue at 55% and 4.4 hrs
Bill again at 25% and 8 hrs
Sue at 55% and 12 hrs

If I have Project CREATE a NEW project: It works!!! Which I just found out
as I assembled this post! I will probably try to make that work, but
appreciate any solutions for the Merging as that is what I originally

Help???! Please!

Thanks! - Dale


Hello Dale,

I haven't had a chance to walk through your scenario, but a suggestion
that may help. When merging the assignment data, use the *Assignment*
Unique ID as the merge key. If I get a chance later this morning, I'll
see if I can replicate what you post.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

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