Unexpected shutdown & start up w/Outlook 2003



I don't know what to do with two workstations that have this problem.
When a user browses through emails and decides to delete a few, Outlook
decides to shut down-display an error message of having to shutdown because
of an unknown error and then starts back up again.
I have already tried rebuilding a few files in outlook and uninstalling it
w/Uninstaller utility tool but no luck there. Does anyone have any
At this point my only option would be to reformat and not spend so much time
on this issue.


Formatting will not neccessarily cure anything, niether will
uninstalling/reinstalling Outlook.
What type of account?


MS Exchange 2003, Outlook 2003 w/ sp3

DL said:
Formatting will not neccessarily cure anything, niether will
uninstalling/reinstalling Outlook.
What type of account?

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