As one of the other post on this site, I'm experiencing a very similuar
problem with Excel 2004 - v 11.3. While coping rows from one worksheet
to another, I'm able to past the rows into a different worksheet -
insert rows. After doing so, If I press the Del key or touch the tabs
at the bottom of the sheet, the entire Spreadsheet disappears
instantly. It does not minimize it like normal - it does not show up
in the dock. But, it does not completly vanish - I'm able to get it to
re-appear by pressing the - Windows Zoom. Once this behavor starts,
not much I can do to work on this file. I have to close everything and
re-open Excel to get it
to work again.
I'm running a the following computer:
Microsoft Excel 2004 - v 11.3 (060914) - with latest Microsoft 2004
for Mac 11.3.2 Update
Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5
Memory - 1.5 GB
Mac OS X - 10.4.8 - All Software Updates applied
18 Gig available HDD space
Only main application that is running - run Excel right after a reboot.
Nothing on the box has changed physically for at least a year...
Run Maintenance Scripts (Daily, Weekly and Monthly), Rebiult
Prebindings, Rebuilt Permissions. Problem still occurs.
Anyone have any thoughts?
problem with Excel 2004 - v 11.3. While coping rows from one worksheet
to another, I'm able to past the rows into a different worksheet -
insert rows. After doing so, If I press the Del key or touch the tabs
at the bottom of the sheet, the entire Spreadsheet disappears
instantly. It does not minimize it like normal - it does not show up
in the dock. But, it does not completly vanish - I'm able to get it to
re-appear by pressing the - Windows Zoom. Once this behavor starts,
not much I can do to work on this file. I have to close everything and
re-open Excel to get it
to work again.
I'm running a the following computer:
Microsoft Excel 2004 - v 11.3 (060914) - with latest Microsoft 2004
for Mac 11.3.2 Update
Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5
Memory - 1.5 GB
Mac OS X - 10.4.8 - All Software Updates applied
18 Gig available HDD space
Only main application that is running - run Excel right after a reboot.
Nothing on the box has changed physically for at least a year...
Run Maintenance Scripts (Daily, Weekly and Monthly), Rebiult
Prebindings, Rebuilt Permissions. Problem still occurs.
Anyone have any thoughts?